• What is Student Achievement Assistance?
  • Can I apply to be a beneficiary now?
  • How do I know if I am eligible?
  • How do I know if my degree qualifies?
  • Do you fund parent loans? 
  • Question not answered?


What is Student Achievement Assistance?
Student Achievement Assistance (S.A.A.) is a non profit organization which is a project of the 501(c)(3) nonprofit IFERS, Institute for Education, Research, and Scholarships.

Can I apply to be a beneficiary now?
Not yet, as we are still under construction, but please check back for updates!

How do I know if I am eligible?
The following criteria determine eligibility:

  1. Earned degree in STEM major and/or health and medical field.
    Science refers to the hard sciences as opposed to soft sciences. Hard sciences include biological, chemical, and physical sciences.

    Math refers to mathematics, physics, mathematical economics.
    Health and Medical degrees include M.D., D.O., PharmD, nursing degrees, dental degrees, veterinary medicine, etc. 
  2. Currently employed and/or still in school (earning additional degree)
  3. Have not defaulted on student loans
  4. Currently making payments towards your student loans

If you are unsure, please do not hesitate to email us at faq@studentachievement.org or submit a question on our contact form below.

How do I know if my degree qualifies?
SAA is currently only accepting students with STEM (Sciences, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) degrees.

The following are degrees which do not yet qualify, but which we hope to include in the future — Business, Education, English, Foreign Languages, History, Law, Political sciences, Theology/Religious Studies.

Do you fund parent loans?
Not yet, but we hope to include these in the future! Be sure to check back for updates.


Question not answered?

Submit your question here.