Student Achievement Assistance (S.A.A.) provides financial support through donations to individuals who have student loan debt and have graduated with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and/or health and medical degrees. These individuals have worked hard for many years to graduate and are now facing the daunting task of paying off student loans to become debt free, a process which can take years and even decades.
While there are many grants and scholarships for students currently enrolled in universities and some loan forgiveness programs for those who are working, S.A.A. aims to provide a unique kind of financial aid. Unlike loan forgiveness programs, which generally require a public service work commitment, S.A.A. aims to help individuals pay off loans independent of their public or private employment. We understand that students have already devoted years of hard work to earn their degrees, and we believe their efforts and success should be rewarded retroactively. S.A.A. differs from traditional scholarships as it can provide more than just a one-time monetary award. Once accepted into S.A.A, an award recipient can receive full or partial amounts of funding through an ongoing scholarship process, potentially up until the loan is fully paid off. In addition to the benefits to individuals, S.A.A. is fully funded through donations, and therefore does not place the burden of student loans on taxpayers.
Student Achievement Assistance is an investment in the future of our society – our future doctors, nurses, engineers, researchers, teachers, and many others. Helping to relieve student debt creates a group of working professionals who have more financial freedom, allowing them to perform better in their careers and live more contented lives.